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What is Play with German.?

Play with German is a playful way to learn a language.

 We use acting games and scene studies to get you talking and connecting to the language..

Why learn through play?

​Our brain learns best when it's in play mode

and a language is learnt best through real social interactions.

You will also be taught German prononciation by not only a native, but by someone who's also a theatre professional. 


Play with


And it's yours forever

You don't need any acting experience!  It's all just fun and games.

“Play is the highest form of research.”


- Albert Einstein

Students using acting to learn language skills

What will happen when you join?

You will learn new vocabulary & Improve your grammar and pronunciation.

You will have your new language ready to use in the real world.


You will also:

Improve your performance skills (presence / screen presence, confidence, partner work etc.)


Connect with other people

Boost your energy & release some daily stress.


and most importantly:

You will remember what you've learnt.

Your German teacher.


Hallo zusammen, I am Renana!


I am a Berliner who has been living in London for over 10 years. 


I have prepared Londoners and their German skills for many occasions from performance and Musicals to their surprise German Wedding Speeches.

I love helping people finding their confidence, as well as understanding the cultural background of the language & where could you learn all of that better than in an Acting class! 


I know this will be a fun journey & looking forward to seeing you in class!

Bis bald!!

Book a course &
Play with German. 


  • Advanced German Sat. 7th September 4-6 pm


  • New Courses are starting in October at Theatre Delicatessen

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